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UX Term of the day!

Users' Needs

The users' needs are the requirements that they have to a product, software or service.

#userstory #userstories

UX Wiki's most read articles this month!

Competitor Analysis

During a competitor analysis the focus is on finding the strengths and weaknesses of competitors' solutions. Every one of them foc...

#competitoranalysis #competitor

Interaction Design

The interaction design is how a user can handle a product, software or service.

#interactiondesign #uielements

End Users

The end user is a person who will be using a product, software, or service. UX Designers refer to the term end user when they are ...

#enduser #users

User Experience Design (UX Design)

Doing UX Design is creating solutions that users rather want to have than being without it.

#uxdesign #userexperiencedesign

UI Elements

UI elements can be defined as all the elements that are available for the users to give input to like a touchscreen, a button insi...

#uielements #product