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Customer Journey

A customer's states during the purchasing process of a product, software or service.


The Customer Journey show which states a customer can have before, during and after purchasing a solution and which paths the customer can go through to come to the purchase.

Every customer will go through multiple phases or stages within the purchasing process. In the beginning the customer gets in contact with a company or a brand or one of its solutions for the first time. Then the customer will often run through multiple phases of the marketing process before the customer will hopefully purchase the product, software or service in the end. During the entire process the customer will be in contact with the solution or the business for multiple times and to make a purchase more likely a high customer experience and user experience is needed!

User Journey

A User Journey shows which states a user can have before, during and after using a solution and which paths the user can go to rea...

#userjourney #interactiondesign