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Lotus Blossom Method

A creative method by Yasuo Matsumura


The Lotus Blossom technique focuses the power of brainstorming on areas of interest. It does so through the use of a visual representation of ideas and is similar to a mind-map, but is more structured and pushes you in ways you to think outside the box and to generate more alternative and creative ideas.

First UX Designers describe and define problem or core idea and will place it on a sticky note in the center of e.g. a table or on a whiteboard. Then eight items are created around the main sticky note. Once the eight items are created by the team in e.g. a focus group discussion it is time to move on to the second phase. For this phase the eight items are placed a bit further away from the original sticky note so there is enough space to place another eight items around each of the eight items from the first phase.

That means in the end 72 items or ideas were created.

User Research

User Research is the point of time in a project where the UX Designers are in close contact with the users to understand who they ...

#userresearch #contextanalysis